For those of you who follow my youtube channel, you might have noticed that I haven't been uploading videos for a while. The reason why is simple: my computer broke. More specifically my video card died probably from being damaged in transit from Louisiana to Notre Dame. The good new is the computer is fixed and a new video card should be coming in any day now. Until then, I have enough videos in reserve to upload until I get things back to normal.
Now some of y'all might remember that I wanted to try and do a few things to improve the overall quality of my channel. The main goals were to make a channel trailer, intro and outro segments for my videos, thumbnails, and channel art. Well, since I have been occupied with school work and fixing my computer, this hasn't gone anywhere. I still have no idea how to do any of this and now I don't have much time to look into it. Of course I am going to try, but no promises on when this will happen. Needless to say I'd be more than happy to take fan submissions. I'm not saying anyone has to do it, I will try myself, but if you would like to make something or already have something that'll work, feel free to message me on youtube.
Moral of the story: Der Panzenator has returned!